My sentiments on #IEBC. Let’s be real, shall we?

NO Policeman or woman is supposed to attack an unarmed citizen to the point they bleed, left disable or dead, the police are supposed to protect us from harm, not injure us.
You cannot attack an armed policeman with stones and expect to walk free. You cannot be walking freely around an area of protest and expect to walk away unharmed. Once the stones begin to fly, you will only be a victim.
Hooligans are out to take advantage of protests to steal and let out their frustrations. They only bring so much pain to those who were out for peaceful protests. But,how are the police supposed to differentiate between the two? It has been weeks of pushing these policemen who are not even paid well enough to be running after you or reacting to the stones being hailed at them. So, if a fire is
sparked, they will blow. Who benefits anyway from all these but both sides of the political parties? Neither you, nor the police.
For Mwananchi and Askari, it is a lose-lose situation. You will use too much energy and in the end suffer some injuries or even die. For what? At least, it is a policeman's job to fight any disorderliness, and what was your job again? Mondays are only bad, why would you want to add mystery to it?? Just WHY?
CORD and Jubilee should agree to disagree and settle whatever it is they feel the need to, without involving poor citizens who are willing to put their lives on the line for them. Speaking from a kawaida mwananchi side of view, either way, whether IEBC is in or out, only the politicians will benefit. It will not add food to my table, pay my bills, or free me from taxation (which I gladly take part). Like I have a choice?
Whichever way you look at it, only you, the foolish citizen will suffer when danger comes. These Politicians you are so willing to suffer for, will run for cover, under tight security, shielded from the tear gas and stones; while you are left to fend for yourself. No, you will not go down in history as a hero, because, let me ask you? Apart from your family, neighbors and lenders, who gives a shit
about you and your little world?
What did you expect? That they would take you in their car with them? Wait, they came in a car, you walked for miles, and for what??? It does not matter what side you are, you cannot allow yourself to be taken advantage of. I mean, none of the politicians care for you that much. They do not know you, and guess what, they do not CARE. If they ever visit you in the hospital, the damage will have been done, and they will be coming because media will have been invited prior. 

Honey, they do not CARE for your poor soul, if you were one, you wouldn't be any different. It does not matter who you stand for, it does not, because you, honey-pie, DOES NOT MATTER TO ANY POLITICIAN. The only time you matter is when they need that VOTE! But, they can always rig, so you still don't matter, not one bit. Stop fooling yourself.
Come on. Politics will always be just that, POLITICS!!
Love yourself some more, to never allow you to suffer or die at the cost of any selfish human being.


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