I have always argued from the view of exams being used in all wrong ways to decide who is 'clever' or who is 'stupid' or a 'fool'. Well, this is according to society and from the video below that I definitely agree with, the same society poses the most unthinkable as the norm and the non-human acts as human rights. Well, I am an educationist, so I say the following from a personal experience of many years in school of which I am still a student, and yes, I love books, it is true that patience and hard work in academics bare amazing results. Back to my argument, why would someone be thought of as stupid just because they did not much revise on the topics brought in the exam paper when all the 'clever' one might have done is get lucky on the topics that were set. I mean, the best crammers are considered the best students, not everyone is a good crammer, some may need more time to gather knowledge than others. T...