No, you don't hate your job, you just have a bad boss!
Hear me, hear ye! If the answer is yes to these 5 questions below, stay on. Here's how to know it's not your job that you have a problem with, rather your boss and his or her leadership skills or lack of it. Does your boss constantly gaslight you? Is your boss quick to blame you and less likely to recognize your talents? Do you feel like your boss is competing with you? Does your boss use belittling comments to refer to you or your work? Has your boss ever thrown you under the bus for something you did not do? Caption: An image of an abstract demoralized human So many times, very skilled, committed, and talented employees leave their jobs and not because they did not like what they do, but rather because the boss is just impossible to work with. Overtime, due to financial reasons and need to survive, people will tolerate unworthy leadership. Such employees usually leave immediately they are triggered enough and they never look back. As they should! But, of what benefit is it...