"No mistakes, no heart breaks can take away what you are meant to be" - Mary J. Blige- I w rite this not because I just want to write and fill my blog with one more post, but because of the story each one of us has to tell about how hard we have fought to be 'The Best'. I am personally at that point where all I need is to realize my potential and push myself to the very end to bring out the best in me. You may relate your current episode of life to mine. Well, this reminds you of how many times you have been told you cannot, you are just a dreamer, you are too ambitious, may be you have even been overlooked by the people you expect to lead you to your dreams. Newsflash, no body leads no one to their dreams it is unto us to pick up our pieces and fix them at the repair junction. Once you have shed a tear for something, you should be able to get up, think th...