This is for you!!! Yes, you want to be successful, how about you start from what the most successful people you know, did, did not do, and the reasons for that. Learn from the best!! Ilya Pozin Influencer , the CEO of Open Me. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn and a Serial Entrepreneur, also a LinkedIn Influencer has this to say from his LinkedIn profile, I found it absolutely needed, and had to share it with you. "You want to be successful. Everyone does. But your actual words might be undermining your chances of success. The things you say in the office, no matter how innocuous they seem to you, might be knocking you down the career ladder and putting the top position you dream about out of reach." Your career is too important to be tanked by a few negative phrases. Here are the seven things you should strike from your workplace vocabulary if you want to achieve the success you richly deserve: 1. “That’s not in my job description.” When you accepted ...