BEHIND A GREAT MAN IS AN EVEN GREATER WOMAN, BUT BEHIND A LAZY MAN IS A LAZIER WOMAN!! Laziness is one very annoying and addictive behavior. It s annoying as it encourages dependency on people and leads on to poverty, poverty mindset and pathetic irresponsible families in the future. This is one habit that needs not be encouraged by families and friends and by all means stopped. Below are the signs that one could be getting lazy or is already lazy. 1. Nagging/ Complaining You will always find a reason to complain about the little things in life making everybody around you very, I repeat very uncomfortable. You are not satisfied with life and you are not ready to make it any better, so they would rather complain about it put the blame on other people. 2. Lack of Friends Who would want to hang around a lazy person? We are human, so it is much better to go with the people who add value to your life and not the 'blood suckers'. 3. Nothing good about your life When s...