A question often posed when a relationship seems to move to the next stage or is rather confusing and the two parties are not sure where they are as far as relationship is concerned. Most of the time, one of the parties is more attached to the other than the partner. This is what actually sets confusion in and this question has to be answered in one way or another. It is hard for a lady to tell which position she holds in the heart of her presumed man, until the supposed man proposes to her. By proposing, the lady is assured of spending the rest of her life with the man she loves. Before any man is ready to settle and be committed to one woman for all his life, there are things to deal with and make final decisions before embarking on such a life full of promises and commitments which come with love. These are things which put any relationship at bay, because such are the times a lot of advices are given and taken and these could either ruin or make a relationship. That is why it...