There are numerous ways that determine why one can either be wealthy or not. By wealthy, I mean enough investments and not just money lying in a bank; the kind that you can say your great grand kids need not to worry, yeah? Got it? We all have seen or know the wealthy people, may be even envy them and mostly wish you could be them. One thing is for sure though, that you can not just sleep easy and wish to get lucky, you have to work your way to wealth and to maintain it you need a life balance and high degree of discipline in the ways you deal with money. Below are the 10 assured ways to never being rich!!! I could not just keep it to myself, I had to share with you, as like I said, who does not want to gain wealth?? 1. Overspending Blowing all your money each month is not a realistic pathway to wealth. Start tracking where your money goes each month, check where you can cut spending and save into a retirement account. 2. Not ...