Dads rock the World....

Yeah!! Yeah!! We have always fought for the girl child, and women. This time I want all of us to 'hats off' for the best men in the world, the Dads. Without them, we will have definitely been non-existent. So, the last 3 weeks have been crazy for our family. My dad decided to go for an extensive body check up at The Karen Hospital, after a pro-longed body weakness and chest pains. Of course, my mum had him really pushed before he freely boarded that flight from Lodwar to Nairobi. Once again, I repeat, he freely came to Nairobi, which means he got himself to Nairobi and to The Karen Hospital, that Friday, the 4th of January, 2013. After an hour or two of serious check-up with the doctors, he was given the most surprising news, he suffered Pneumonia. My dad, is diabetic, yeah, so his blood sugar levels were pretty high by the time he got to the hospital, but, he is one man who will always give a serious situation, a pretty lovely face. Due to the 2 illnesses, he had to be a...