It has been a while since we last spoke. I here that
nowadays you have a man who cherishes you a lot. I am so happy for you and your
new journey in love. I hope all goes well for you with him and may the best
come your way. May he be the Mr. Right, I am sure your mama is now eager to see
you walk down the aisle; your friends should be looking forward to the day and
I am sure they have been suggesting all that. Really happy for you.
I would like to SELFISHLY
turn your attention to that single friend you only need once in a while when
you need someone else other than your man or family to talk to. By the way, she
has always been and will always be there to listen to you letting your heart
out. Remember that is how things were before you were taken after your heart
had been turned into a mess by that young man you had so much hope for of a
lifetime together?
Have you ever taken time to think of how she is fairing
besides you needing something that she might be of help. Not that this should
be any of your business, but again remember I said this was going to be
I will for a moment like to drive your attention to how you
let her in your perfect life, she may have wondered what was wrong with her?
Not always true, but may be. When all you want to talk about is you and your
man, your future plans, bae said this and that. “I will be meeting bae later
sorry, I have to cancel” or “Nowadays, you need to call me earlier, so that I see
if I had any plans with bae, coz you know he will be mad if I seem to favor you
more than him.” You even afford to giggle after, this World though.
Fair enough, trust me you are right, she has to stick to her
single lane and stop acting like we are all single and what not. BUT, did you
not have a better way of turning her down, just like you are so thoughtful of
your man, you may include some sensitivity when dealing with Miss. Bae-less in
town. LOL, like you were not there just a while back.
So, today I just want you to stop being the judgmental and almost
perfect spoiled young lady who only thinks of her tiny perfect little bubble.
Remember, the single lady has so much time to herself, most of the time she has
progressed more than you career wise, something you may need to borrow. Not
that it is a competition or anything.
So, how about you think about where she is coming from
before having to give her the many pep talks anytime she wants to include you
into her fun escapades that you used to love. There are cute ways of being so
damn honest with her anytime she calls you drunk and expects you to show up
like you used to. Of course, things have changed, and may be your man has
thrown in the idea of dropping her all together as a friend, you know bad
influence. LMAO! If only he came into your life back then, maybe he would know
BUT, to you the single and busy career Nairobi woman, it is
time you learn to do things on your own, because people don’t like to be
reminded of where they have come from. Your life may seem lonely and sad and
maybe needy now to all your ‘taken’ friends. Time you let go some of those
friends who only think of you when they want to use you. Time to let go those friends
who keep asking you to get a life, meaning you need a man to have the best in
The truth is, having a companion brings some really good
tidings along with it, security included. You might want to consider having a
man in your life, BUT only do so because you are ready and want to, and not
because people think you should. It is your life remember, you have walked that
journey before and it did not work, you need to be sure this time, so honey,
take your time.
Lastly, lose anything and anyone who makes you feel
incomplete. Anyone who gives you uncalled for drama, just because they think
you have all the time. I am sure you are busy. Sorry, I was talking to you the
friend of hers in her voice. Be the friend you have always been, otherwise let
her go in peace. You have been there, allow her to heal before she falls in
love again. Love is a natural process, let nature take its course.
Part B is coming in a few days, I hope you will have a change
of heart then. Both of you.
Good read, however, just like the first few paragraphs emphasized, it is SELFISH. In the spirit of shedding some light for the sake of the young single Nairobi girls young and old, all this is true, you will one day be your friend's crutch. The thing to remember though, is that that is what your many years of friendship is supposed to stand for; your friendship was not about clubbing, bag-packing across the country or shopping or the latest juicy gossip. True friendship is about helping each other get through the different phases of life and making sure we do it together. It will never be at the same pace but we would always get ahead together. If i am in a relationship hoping we get married support me. If you want to take a trip allow me time to plan my self because as you have said the reality is that there is someone else but that does not make them more important, it ONLY means they have to be considered as well.
ReplyDeleteGirls need to learn the true value of friendships to people. She might have gotten excited over her new toy but you will always be her best person. your stubborn nature will only ruin a good friendship that you very well know is worth a lot more that these men.
Be genuinely happy for someone and let them learn to balance their friendship with you and their relationship because you matter, that is why 'she' still tries. She will one day be your crutch as well, that is what true friendship is. For better or for worse.
You decide!