Generally, 'Star Wars' has been a very successful movie and is still receiving lots of positive vibe, following and love across the globe.

When all of us are very happy at the final outcome and Worldwide success of the movie, one woman who made most scenes achievable is facing arm amputation.

Olivia Jackson  is the stunt woman who after crashing  into a metal camera arm in September while shooting a high-speed motorcycle chase on the Johannesburg, South Africa set of the sequel had to be induced into a coma at the time.

This happened on the set of "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter."

In October she shared this on her Facebook page:

"2 weeks in a coma, brain bleed, brain swelling, severed main artery in the neck, crushed & degloved face, several broken ribs, paralyzed arm, shattered scapula, broken clavicle, broken humerus, broken radius & ulna, with an open wound and a 7.5 piece of bone missing, amputated thumb, torn fingers, 5 nerves torn out of the spinal cord.... not my funnest day on set".

Despite this, she has been very positive and grateful that she is still alive.

Olivia has also appeared in "Mad Max: Fury Road" and "Guardians of the Galaxy.


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