Laziness is one very annoying and addictive behavior. It s annoying as it encourages dependency on people and leads on to poverty, poverty mindset and pathetic irresponsible families in the future. This is one habit that needs not be encouraged by families and friends and by all means stopped. Below are the signs that one could be getting lazy or is already lazy.
1. Nagging/ Complaining
You will always find a reason to complain about the little things in life making everybody around you very, I repeat very uncomfortable. You are not satisfied with life and you are not ready to make it any better, so they would rather complain about it put the blame on other people.
2. Lack of Friends

3. Nothing good about your life
When someone is not happy about their life, there is no way any one around them will be happy.
4. Too 'Praisy'
You will always want your networks to feel all so important around you. You cannot stop to tell them how great they are, as this is the only way you find it easy to get them to help you, as they feel like they have an impact on you somewhat.
5. Bed has never been sweeter
You hate to wake up early in the morning. you would prefer other people do the waking and bring food home for you to do the eating and silly conversations that surround the number of TV shows, movies, and series you have watched, if not the number of games you have mastered. You never lack a reason to not get out of bed in time.
6. Pissed about people not helping you
You are lazy, not willing to work but expect people to come to your aid anytime you need a helping hand. So, what happens is if your family or friends are tired of your lazy behavior and are no longer willing to promote your laziness, you cannot stop complaining of how mean they are and posting a thousand messages of how 'you know what you are doing', 'you are right' and 'God is on your side' kinda lonely messages on social media.
7. Blame Game
You do not want to take responsibility over your life or anything in life actually. You like to blame it on people so that you are off the guilt line. you take pride in other people taking your blame. you have already mastered the 'too nice' act that other people easily feel sorry for and are willing to take the blame upon them so that you do not start with the suicidal messages and threats.

Since you know people will not just easily help you anymore. You come up with strategic ways on how to squeeze money out of people's pockets. you develop trust with people and lend money promising to pay back, and never do. when people discover you are trying to get away without paying you get another debt to settle the first debt. So you end up always being indebted to people, by getting debts to settle prior debts; you will never be at peace with your life this way; only to become the most pathetic liar in history.
9. Not apologetic
Since you would rather blame other people for your pathetic life, you will not apologize for nothing and you always want to be seen as the one on the right side of things.
10. Parents are definitely not proud of you
If you think your parents are already complaining this is because they are on their way to cutting you off the benefits. I bring in parents, because most lazy people who do not want to work hard, want their bills paid and the easy way to do this is stick in your room in your parents' house.
11. No to any Advice

12. The Greatest Liar of All
Finally for all the above signs to exist you got to be very good with lies. You will lie just about anything to get people to sort you out. You lie to your parents to get money from them, you lie to your friends to get transport money or two bottles of beer, you lie to your potential girlfriend of coming from such a rich family; well, you lie about just anything.
Time to be real, get up and work, get real with yourself already!
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