Dear Lord Jesus,
CC: Kenya, Media, and friends of Kenya

 Anytime I board a bus or Matatu, I cannot help but say The Lord's Prayer a thousand times, I shake the minute a load is placed next to me that does not belong to me, every single second beside my legs are numb, my soul trembles and my heart beats so hard. Each minute I pray that my home would not be any further, I am suspicious of everyone especially ones that are holding something in their hands in a polythene bag or the boys with a bag pack. Anytime someone I suspected alights the bus, my whole body is covered with goose bumps, and I can feel my stomach squeeze.
I cannot stop to ask myself why the transport unit has not bought the metal detectors yet, and I would rather wait until a bus that has someone checking the passengers so as I can board it, whether too sunny or rainy.

My heart is not at peace after the last week's Thika Road grenade attack of the two busses. I cannot stop but wonder what could be wrong with our intelligence team. Of course it is not time to point fingers, but well somebody is sleeping on their job with all this bombs, grenades and weapons getting through the boarders, through the traffic and swiftly to cause a mother's leg, a father's arm and a baby's life.

Mr. President, there is a kikuyu saying that says, 'a coward lives long'. Would we rather act so brave in protecting another country, instead of calling it quits there, and bringing our solders back home to protect us in the best way possible. Why would we be brave too much to stupidly watch our own die and another protected.
I believe the soldiers out there were posted there because they are the best in the field, KINDLY, bring those back here to keep our boundaries, roads, and lives safe, or we would go down the history lane of the 'foolish brave.' I am not sure anymore if I am writing this or crying over the bleeding nation; Kenya.

How can I be economically effective if by boarding that bus to work I am not sure how it goes. Why am I not safe in my own home? We fear the thieves in our neighborhoods too much, but all they do is steal, the terrorists rejoice at destroying he most lives possible, why are we giving them the lee way like it is their right to ensure more blood is spilled and more lives are lost, and Kenya is unstable as possible????

Ah! Ah! Enough is enough, the government we need action, forget all these other noble projects until we are stable. Why go for laptop project if our kids will die on their way to school? Why go for the many boreholes, if the equipment will not even make it to the site? Why bother recruiting more police is a terrorist can comfortably blow up a police station? Why even consider increasing salaries if the workers only save it to buy their own coffins? Even Anglo-leasing silly debates can wait , I DARE YOU TO OPEN YOUR EYES TO SEE REASON!!!

Wait, now I hear the government will pay the bills of the Thika Road blast in whatever hospitals they are in from the Westgate attack donations...Are you serious? If this was an accident somewhere in a certain road, this would be absolutely noble, like we see Sonko's philanthropy stunts. This is NO Drama Festivals where the most dramatic story wins!! Red Cross will always be there to help the victims as well as many companies with ambulances. I call this useless strategy, if all the government does is sit and wait to see how much damage has been done, before they come on ground to act all philanthropic. It is not time for pity, it is time to get the intelligence to work. What happens if more attacks like those occur and the donations are over? That blood in the storage may soon be gone when even the volunteering blood donors are caught in the mess?

What is the big picture? Everything about these attacks are no longer small talks nor do they require closed government meetings. The strategy lies naked before our eyes. Do not stop us from questioning the intelligence, we all know you recruit the best of intelligence, not unless tribalism and nepotism has 'eaten' in there too, that only spoilt and lazy kids of a brother were employed. COME ON, GET TO WORK or somebody FIRE someone!!!

If this risk is not managed, it will soon be a crisis. Now, passengers alight the bus anytime someone from Somali origin gets on the bus. Why? Because the whole thing does not make sense, it is the Kenyans of Somali origin that have been set as terrorists. We are all too aware that even Oliech, Kamau, Mutua, or Momanyi and Wafula can be the terrorist. We are all missing the point here. Soon there will be a torn Religious fights that might graduate to war inside of Kenya. Dear UhuRuto, I am not willing to face such a time, and neither is any Kenyan ready.
There are so many graduates lying around jobless, how about you get them on board as volunteers to research, scan the environment and work with the experts to help the intelligence pro-active in knowing and acting on any suspects and the porous boarders.

 I am no longer comfortable in my own country. I need to see action. I need to see the government end this Terrorist madness. I need to get on the bus and feel free to say hello to my friends online. I need to sleep easy knowing the only thing that might stop me from going to Church and work is the silly Matatu strikes. I need to be ok when my family and relatives, friends and even boyfriend are working away from home and that I can see them safe when I arrive in their location for a visit. I need not fear where I need to walk with pride, what happens on the holidays, I like to travel, I can no longer be an awesome and dedicated local tourist since the places I have not been to yet are under attack, I mean WHERE IS MY FREEDOM?

Am I supposed to run away before things get thick? No! But will I just sit here and wait for the government to cover the medical bills of terrorism victims? Will I just ever close my eyes again comfortably in sleep and say the Lords' prayer in a more calm manner? Oh, Yes, I do hope to see the digitalism of the government come to light!! The transport unit to ensure there are enough metal detectors and security personnel for every single bus/ Matatu, I say this BECAUSE I WANT TO JOIN PHARELL IN ' HAPPY' and genuinely post it on YouTube!

Kenyans where are we in all these? Time for the middle and upper class to be active audiences in these talks and not just sit and wait for the Prime Time News and post the horrifying pictures or stories they have watched and or heard on their many social media sites acting all sad and regretful. I want to see the professionals and experts of different fields join hands in finding solutions. My hands can no longer write, I am shaking and sweating on the keyboard with the though t of all these, but my mind still has so many questions? My heart needs to be assured and my future kids need a mother!!!!

Yours Scared to the toes Kenyan,
Jeal Njeri


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