The 8-4-4 education system has had very many intellectuals through school but the Country (Kenya) is still the same. All through the primary education the students are trained to pass the exams, more energy and time is spent on not really learning but cramming in order to pass the exam.

Why? Because, if you fail you will not go the next class, you will lag behind, you will be considered stupid. Why not focus all that energy towards critical analysis of the many subjects of education? Instead of training the students to repeat what you told them and mark it as right on the answer sheet, how about the teachers challenging the students to relate what they have learnt in class to their experiences outside school and ask them to write about those experiences in relation to your studies.

Our education system locks so many doors of opportunities as far as talent and wider range of open thoughts are concerned. You may have not thought of it this way, maybe the students who passed found it easy as the exams came from the topics they touched on. The others may have failed because what they prepared for was not tested. It could also be that some students are not as good crammers as others, or that others catch up and connect with the teacher more than others.

All that considered, I do think we need to start with our education system before judging the many wrong cultures we have come to look at as normal; corruption, unworthy leaders, cops in gangs, gangs in banks, thieves in church, rapists in medicine as well as con men/women in the corridors of justice.

It is this people who pass highly in the classes that end up in the universities where the cramming is redefined and Mwakenyas are given more time than the libraries, and later cramming better speeches to woo voters, of course they end up in the parliament and why do you complain of ridiculous leadership and leaders who would rather make an appearance in parliament when the topic is salary increment and not employment strategies for the youths and better health care systems.

The employers share these thoughts who have to give their new employees some sort of special education in order for them to fit the place of work and to have some certain professional wisdom. This is another expense for them as they expect the graduates to be fully equipped with the right materials for the work place instead of disarming their knowledge in order to give them fresh knowledge and higher them later.

I genuinely believe it all trickles down to the kind of education system to whether or not a country will be developed, the cities will be clean, there will be more media responsibility and a keen society to future and better leadership, environment, development and independence.

We do not have issues of traffic, over-population or short life-spans due to poor health facilities and resources, all these issues are a result of poor governance preparedness. They will all be history once the education system has been polished. Why is the literacy level high if there are no learned heads to think and shape this country in a manner to reflect sustainability??


  1. Hmmmm, I am among the many well schooled people's there is in this country but the 8-4-4 has had its good share of positives but all the same as well pointed out, we are only taught to reproduce information and thus limiting our creativity and capabilities. I wish that my teachers would have noticed and treated each of us differently to grow our unique capabilities.
    With that said, if there is one thing I won't do is to let my children go through the torturous monster called tuition. I pity today's kids and I think they will get tired of books before they get to Uni because they have to wake up early, read over weekends, go for extremenly early morning preps. Happy, I schooled with a piece of mind.

  2. There are at least seven forms of intelligence,and this system focuses on one;logico-mathematical.What if the linguists?the musicians?the artistic?the spatial geniuses?All wasted beause the mole concept is forced down their throats.Add to it that character building is not important at all,thus we end up with learned dysfunctionals.Too bad that our joke 8-4-4=0 may just be true.

  3. Thank you David Wahome and Wangari for your insights, I appreciate the depth in your arguments.


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