12 curses that befall women in the shape of men. What is your 'curse'?

1. Married man curse- You are always hit on by married men who either lie or come clean. They intend to have you as a mistress.
2. Baby-daddy curse- The single men with kids who want you in their lives, but will still be supporting the baby mama financially, guess what, the baby mama will always be your nightmare.
3. Play boy curse- Only the bad boys come your way, of course there is no future, wasting your time in silly games. Their 'swag', charisma and charm attract most women, they are very fun too.
4. Shy boy curse- You like them, they like you, but they are too afraid to come for you and when you go for them, they don't know how to act...NKT!
5. Mr. Famous curse- These are known with everyone, everywhere, all the girls eye them, but they use you as a trophy to keep the boys talking.
6. Loud boy curse- The know-it-all, annoying, so loud, say all the wrong things, yet they could be the sweetest to you, so if you like them a lot, you can as well keep up with their big mouth.
7. Mama's boy curse- The one that most women dread, they are so attached to mama that they will ask her even how to treat you at dinner, or gossip of all the little things about you.
8. Geek boy curse- The most intelligent and caring guys, but social is not their field, they are slow and hardly know what goes on, I doubt you will want to introduce them as your man.
9. Outta your league curse- With these ones you share absolutely nothing in common, not venues, movies, music, restaurants, clubs, topics of discussions, looks....NOTHING! but they will stalk you all over, some even tell your inner circle they wanna date you.
10. The dad-impersonator curse- He will always talk of his dad's success, he will talk of the dad's wealth like his own, 'our car, house,' always uses our to mean my dad's, usually very lazy.
11. Career boy curse- He talks of nothing but his job, how good or bad the day has been at the office, where he wants to be in a few years, very ambitious guy, but why would his job be the only interesting bit?
12. The cute boy curse- If he is into you, you will have to ditch all your friends. You will know no peace, girls all over him and if he is a play boy you are in for rude shock. But who prefers otherwise?
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