Defining Tattoo

Tattoo is a work of art done on the human flesh. Tattoo has been there since time in memorial and is still being practiced presently though people have very different views and superstitions. Nothing has been as beautiful and attractive on the human body as tattoo, though people may argue on piercings, a greater number of people practice tattoo more than piercing.
Tattoos in the present world are so beautiful and attractive but there are people that can never be convinced to have them on. The major reasons for tattoos are; peer pressure, for fashion, some do it to fit in a group, to some it is for the beauty and pride. Tattoo is all about what you want make your skin look better and attractive. It has the beauty any one would want to have on their skin.
They date back to the 18th century when the Chinese women would have it done all over their body and to the young men it would be done on their private parts and because of the pain they would be tied on some ropes standing straight up.  Today tattoo can be done in any part of the body, according to Fahim a tattoo artist, “There is no a part of skin that is too delicate for tattoo.” People have it done on the legs, hands, neck, breasts and chest as well as thighs.
What is your say?
A lot can be said about tattoos but the truth is they are beautiful on the skin and only those who have done it can tell how many compliments they have received since the day they had it done. On the other hand some people are not at ease with tattoos and think they are demonic and will never have it done on their skin.
I was not able to come across a book that covers or talks about tattoos but there are blogs and websites on the internet that talk about it. Below is a link that tells all about tattoos.
Here are some of the research findings, many would love to have tattoos but most of their parents would not let them. The truth is tattoos are done by people of different age groups but those who do it mostly are the youths. To some it is peer pressure, fashion pull, trying to fit in a group, for pleasing the partner, and others do it just for fun and pride that they have tattoo. Some elderly and respectable people in a society have it and this only means one thing that as far as tattoos are concerned it is up to a personal level.
 It is not appropriate to judge what you dislike because that only makes it unfair. People have different tastes in almost everything in life and it is never possible to even be loved by all. It is important to learn how to respect other people and what they find good to them. If you do not like something just let it be as others may love it, it is courteous to have others enjoy what they love doing and making sure no one makes you feel bad for what you love.
Where does religion come in??
Kamau, a tattoo artist based in Kenya Cinema had this to say about tattoos, “tattoos are the most beautiful thing that has never been seen on a human body.” He goes on to say that what other people are saying about tattoos in connection with devil worshipping is not based on any facts and that those are just people against tattoo. He poses this question to them, “why do they have piercings done and it just the same thing and that is body artwork meant to improve the common skin of people.”

To my surprise, a number of people in the church do not mind tattoos at all and they would too a number of tattoos if they afforded to but some of them were young men and women who are at the age of experimenting what comes about in life. The fact that they are staunch Christians from what they told me proves that religion does not play a bigger part and that it is up to some personal level. 
“Islamic religion asks of the believers a lot of sacrifice and they are expected to follow the rules as that is what defines them and makes them different. Still this does not stop them from practicing such body work as tattoo as they already practice body work though temporal ‘henna’ still acts like tattoo, the fact that it is temporally done does not make it any better for the concept is still the same, thus is not demonic nor satanic it is just a body art that makes the skin look very beautiful.”  Fahim explains.
Why not a tattoo?
What discourages most of the people from having tattoos is the fact that is painful. I had to ask some few people who already have tattoo and what I heard most of them say is that it is only painful at the time that it is actually being done and after that specific time you will be admiring the tattoo as the pain will be far gone compared to the beauty you view on your skin.
Is it worth a job?
To the artists tattoo is a very good business. All you have to do is really know how to relate with people and sell your art. A cheap tattoo can go up to 2,500/= while the most expensive one can be up to 40000 or 50,000/= depending with who you have done it with. Some artists are more expensive than others.  For these artists tattoo is all about passion, love for your job, talent, skills and dedication that is need to satisfy your clients. You get your pay from your clients so you always to go out of your way to satisfy them as that is how more will come to you.
I do not have a tattoo.
Tattoo is not a sin and neither is a very bad thing. It is like a hobby or simply a lifestyle. Look at it this way, if you love music you will do your best to have music CDs in the house, same to soccer, you will make sure you miss no game. All the same to tattoo, if you love it you will make sure you have them all over the body. It is important that people stop judging tattoos and those who have it. 
“Tattoo is simply a way of life and going out of your way to improve the simple look of the skin.” Fahim makes it clear.


  1. It is said that you cannot have a pair number of tattoes. It is bad luck. Thus I'll have a third tattoo done very soon. But I have ideas for 5 or 6 more! So I'll keep you posted on that :D


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