The media’s focus on its main functions and the challenges from the commercial interest and promotion of media freedom.
Commercial Interest
                 A commercial interest here means the interest the media currently has on making profits more than its major purpose on educating, informing and entertaining the public. It appears that the media today is interested more on how it will appear on the public’s ratings, and how many advertisers will come to them in accordance with the high ratings, viewership, listenership or readership.
               “The entry of commercial interests in the media has affected the sobriety, the maturity, the sense of duty and responsibility, the idealism and the missionary, spirit and zeal which were the mainstay of the media in the past” this is according to the Press Council of India Chairman Justice P. B Sawant.
                 The above is just to explain how the true mission of the media has been affected by the commercial interest which has taken centre stage. The media owners are now more concerned with the ratings and the number of advertisers at their core. This only explains how selfish the media has become to the need of the public’s. They have forgotten the specific needs of the consumers of their contents and only give it little coverage.
                According to the Media Council of Malawi, “For many years now, globally, the media has assumed and reinforced its important rule as a legitimate reflection of public interest and opinion” this means that clearly, the media has neglected its basic function which is to educate and inform the people. On the other hand, it has given much concentration on the third part which is entertainment.
                 To add on that, as much as the media is supposed to entertain the people, it is expected that in that entertainment, the public is going to be educated and informed on issues they otherwise did not understand and or had a wrong perception about. It is important that the media does not forget the public as much since even the products the advertisers advertise are meant to serve the very same people.
                 This same council goes on to say, “the various competing interests of the media are; government or national interest, political interest, audience, owners, media(gatekeepers), journalists self interest, the public’s interest and even the advertisers. It is clear that every single body that surrounds the media has its specific interest. The media in itself and its general internal public has its own selfish goals and that is how the media is so corruptible.

                The purpose of advertising throughout history has been to inform and persuade people to buy a product, service or an idea. It was stimulated by the increase of mass production and hence the need for mass purchasing. It has emerged with emerging mass media strengths that keep growing as technology changes.
                Advertising today has become an integral part of political, social and economic systems. This automatically means that it cannot go unnoticed to the consumers and businesses as it is a very important communication system. Consumers have learnt to rely on advertising and other forms of information need to make purchasing decisions.
                 Institutions and businesses pay advertisers a lot of money for them to do their advertising as well as buy the advertising space for them, making sure their message is relayed to the consumers.
Advertising revenue
                 In Nation newspaper, to advertise it costs the advertiser 280 shillings per line. It is approximated that an advertiser will pay close to 500,000 shillings to advertise on a whole newspaper page. That is just but an example to show how advertising can be really expensive. This goes to explain why the media owners and editors would do so little to publish or air anything sensitive about one of their big advertisers.
                 A very good example in Kenya would be Safaricom, which even sponsors some of the media houses events.  The journalists in the media houses will not have their news see the light of day, if it touches on a very sensitive issue that will affect their publicity. This is how much the current commercial interest of the media has affected the true nature that the media is expected to serve to the public.
Cost Cutting Measures
                   I borrowed some tips on cost-cutting measures from an American company’s website, They are not necessarily direct to the journalistic and adverting rules but make sense, I will go ahead to explain this later.
                   The first one is reduce legal expenses. If things are handled legally, it will save a lot as you will not be called to court to answer questions which may end up in negative publicity and worse bail. It is important to have a corporate lawyer, who is to advice you on what is legal and what has exceeded the limit.
                   Second is the importance of using layoffs. This is important as it to a great extend reduces corporate expenses.  Any corporate society whether media or flower farm is always looking forward towards profit. So, it is only logical if little is spent and more gained. Consider ii critical for any coin spent there is double amount that is received.
                    Also important is stock. You must have close watch with stocks of the company. Like I said in the above paragraph, for any company to experience profits they must protect what they put into the accounts. Therefore, there has to be someone who watches the account and its progress who is directly supervised by the CEO or the Director, whoever is in charge.
                     To add on to that list is ‘cut of the break’. These means you modify your company’s premises so that you do not need to seek expertise from outside but find a way to accommodate it in the premises and save the costs of outsourcing. Again, if need be for profit and self-reliance.
                    The last in this list is workforce reduction. It is important to limit the company’s workforce. This does not mean that you show everyone the door but keep those who can multi-task, the experts and eliminate those who the company doesn’t necessarily need.
                    The above are just but tips to cost-cutting. I find the relevant to this topic as media is a corporate institution which needs to be managed. The media as a corporate society is in need of profits and that is why I think it needs critical management so as to have high ratings and attract more advertisers.

Role of Marketing and public relations
                 Marketing is about making money through continuous marketing and selling of products. It is also about effectively competing in the market place. It is important that advertising be placed in the marketing mix, so that it enables people to accept products, services and ideas and purchase them as often as they can.
                  In a media point of view, marketing a media house is important. It is the role of the Public Relations Officer to put the media house at a favorable judgment and positive publicity in the eyes of the public. This is called personal advertising or even institutional advertising. The company goes out of its way to show the public what is best at and what they do differently. This also involves their programming which should be what the public demands and also what they view informative, educative and entertaining enough in the public eye.
Functions of the media
                This is the key purpose of the media. The media is responsible of educating its publics about what is happening in their environment and in all major field of the different taste of the audience. It is expected that in all its programming, news features, documentaries and shows, the media is expected to have some educative values to the public’s or it will be rated under pure entertainment which still education is expected.
                This can mostly be achieved through advertising. For any media to be at the top of the ratings board, they must convince their public they are doing a great job. For instance, an individual can always be watching news on a specific channel, and have a favorite program in another. It is important to convince the public that you are worth their time and attention, as that is how your strength and weakness is easily noticed.
                This is as important as education. It is believed that information is the key to almost everything on earth. Without information, there is no communication and communication is where everything else starts. Whatever happens in the media that is meant for the public should be informative and of substance to the intended public. Even music should be informing people about something for them to listen and relate to. Much more is expected of news, and other programs.

                 For people to be glued on the screen, radio, or even the newspaper, the educative and informative package should have some entertainment value in it so as to capture interest in them. Life in itself is too complicated and tough, everybody needs something to get them away from the reality of life into fiction. This is where entertainment comes in, when you listen, see or read that other people are going through the same things like you, if not worse, it is a sort of consolation.
Promotion of freedom of the press
This was on on December 12th, 2008;
                    Kenya’s Media Owners Association (MOA) has called on President Mwai Kibaki not to assent to the Kenya Communications (”The media today says ‘Mr. President, save our country. Please do not sign this Bill into law. Mr. Prime Minister, save our country. Please do not agree for this to go any further’.” Lawmakers collectively passed the Bill on Wednesday ignoring pleas by media stakeholders for them to delete Section 88 of the Bill, which gives the government powers to confiscate broadcasting equipment during national emergencies.
                     The new law hands power to the Information Minister to dictate broadcast content. It proposes that stations commit a minimum amount of time to locally produced content in lieu of which they will pay a fine to be used to “develop the Kenyan production industry”.
According to the Nation Media in the Jamhuri Day edition of 2008 wrote
                      Parliament is today a new aristocracy that has no regard for civil liberties, but is willing to go the extra appalling mile to nurse its own vanities and mask its corruption and emptiness. Kenyans need to know that parliamentary dictatorship is as evil as any form of dictatorship and is to be fought and vanquished at all costs.
                This is an example of how censorship can affect the relationship between a government and the media. I personally believe that censorship keeps the media on check with the government, but at the same time the media should not use it as an excuse to block the media freedom. While at that the media cannot go without censorship as they might go beyond boundaries and use that power which might overpower ethics and news values which govern and limits the media to its rightful purpose.

External interference in media work
                  There is a lot of external interference in the media. Political heavy weights have a direct influence in the media as their money and power cannot be challenged in a court of law and their relationship with the owners and the editors is scary to an individual journalist. On the other hand the media owners are gatekeepers in their own way, as nothing against their liking can be aired or published, which is very limiting.
                  The government as a body is powerful and thus has an immense effect on the media. It is now that in Kenya a journalist can challenge the government, but still there are limits one cannot dare go beyond. On the other hand, the audience too affects the media as they decide what is to air or not, some things might not be really informative and educative, but you have to give the audience what they want.
                  These interferences in the media affect the normal operation of the media. It also determines the workings and programming of the media which in the end affects the ratings and the advertisers.
               Advertising is what give all types of media their biggest revenues and profits. It ia what pays the employees, and runs some of the daily businesses of the media. Without advertising, the media will not survive the day of expensive publishing and or programming. Advertisers but space and pay for their advertising in media with large amounts of money. They in turn have a sort of power over the media for they keep the media surviving with the advertising.


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