Children are a blessing. They come from God as gifts, and are given to us to love and to care. After all, we were all once children and we were appreciated, taken care of and celebrated. The best thing is to give back. It is important to remember we were the ones who brought them into this world.
                      Children are what we make them. A child is innocent of many things that happen around him and what you tell them or teach them is what they will always know. We are responsible of what our kids take as values and vices. We are supposed to teach them manners and not scold them for what we have not instilled in them.
                     Like everybody else a child grows and goes to school where he or she meets others, here they may learn different things from what you told them. It is good to expect such, exactly why you are parents, to correct them. It is absurd how hard you beat your child before explaining to them why they are wrong. I know, spare the rod and spoil the child, this is not what I mean, as a parent you are allowed to punish them but not without telling them what is right before hand.
                    As I said before, your child becomes what you make them. For example, if you have made them used to sausage and bacon breakfast, why should you start complaining when they curse if you cannot provide that all of a sudden? Life is expensive, yes, but they know you earn and buy cars and cars, hello! From the beginning, explain to them life is all about hard work and act as living examples. Let them know you will not always do what they want unless it is very important but they should know there is a limit to everything.
                     Teenage has never been easy with any parent and you were not different either. Why should you be so hard on your child knowing very well they will rebel at some point? Are you not wasting time and digging your own early grave? You will make them think you are so hard on them and that you are such a burden and they might avoid or look down upon you. The next best thing you can do is understand it is a passing wind and listen to them. Talk to them more and complain less.
                     Everyone wants a child at some point in life, if you do not want then you will be treated differently until you bring one fourth by the society. You should not be taking care of your kids expecting and always telling them you are doing that for them to take care of you at old age. What is the guarantee you will be there? It is your responsibility, let them grow to take care of their own; you are their parent, why not? Bring them up with love and you will forever be their hero.


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